Website Builders

Wix Vs Squarespace (2024)Squaring Up For A Good Fight

Robert BrandlInka Wibowo

By Robert & Inka

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wix vs squarespace

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Squarespace and Wix are two of the biggest names in the website builder space.

Big enough to employ a workforce of thousands and run Superbowl ads. Oh, and should you ever become a hard-core fan of one of the two companies, you could even purchase some of their NASDAQ-listed shares.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: you are here to find out which of the two site builders will be a better choice for your project. Having built several websites with both Wix and Squarespace, I am happy to help you with this question.

P.S. We also have a special tool you might like! Try our convenient Smart Finder that will help you find your favorite in 6 simple questions:

Wix vs Squarespace Smart Finder: Answer 6 questions to find your winner! (Last updated: Apr. 2022)

Wix vs Squarespace: where do they differ?

Wix is a beginner-friendly website builder with modern templates that are highly customizable. Squarespace is equally modern but not quite as easy to use. Two of Wix’s main advantages are the free plan and the huge number of additional apps. Squarespace features a better blogging tool than Wix and offers excellent support.

The main difference between Wix and Squarespace is ease of use. Wix is slightly more beginner-friendly, especially since they also offer Wix ADI, which is a separate editor, targeted at beginners. In contrast to Wix, Squarespace’s themes are fully responsive, meaning that the website adapts automatically to smartphones and tablets. With Wix you may need to tweak things a bit more.

Still haven’t found your winner? Read on and help us judge the competition. Let’s roll. Ten rounds are ahead of us!

Who Wins this Comparison? (Spoiler Alert)

Category Wix Squarespace
1. Ease of use 1 0
2. Designs & Flexibility 1 1
3. Ecommerce 1 1
4. SEO 1 1
5. Blog 0 1
6. Membership Areas 1 0
7. Multilingual sites 1 0
8. Mobile app 1 0
9. Support 0 1
10. App & Marketing Widgets 1 0
11. Pricing 1 1
Total 9 6
Free trial Try Wix Try Squarespace

Squarespace vs Wix: Our Video Review

If you’d rather lean back and watch our video, this is for you:

wix vs squarespace video review

#Round 1: Ease of Use – How Quickly Can I Get Off The Ground?

If you look at our side-by-side comparison table, you’ll see Wix has one more star than Squarespace in the ease of use section. While both platforms have a similar drag and drop approach to website building, Wix is generally more beginner-friendly. The user experience is extremely visual. You just click the element you want to change and that’s it. (We have a more detailed guide on how Wix works if you’d like to learn more.)

The drag and drop editor works wonders. Everything is clear so that you feel intuitively at home with their platform from the start. Plus, their Site History system makes it really easy to recover content in case disaster strikes.

wix site history

Wix’s Site History lets you backup and restore previous versions of your site

And then, Wix also offers a super simple way to get started: Wix ADI (artificial design intelligence). The AI-part may or may not be an exaggeration. It uses a virtual type of assistant that asks you a number of questions and then presents a website. The great thing is that you can still switch to the regular Wix editor if you find ADI too limited.

Squarespace isn’t a technical nightmare, far from it. In fact, it recently introduced the Fluid Engine editing system, which brings the editing experience more in line with Wix’s (you can now drag and drop content to pretty much anywhere you like). But you generally need to click more times to get to the same results as with Wix. For example, you need to hit ‘Save’ for every small change you make, as edits don’t get saved automatically.

Even the simple task of managing the hierarchy and structure of your navigation will probably require a look into Squarespace’s knowledge base as it’s pretty confusing, to be honest.

Also, you don’t get a backup and restore function. They recommend you copy and paste your content in Google Docs, which isn’t super helpful or easy.

Winner: Squarespace’s learning curve is steeper. Once you know your way around the platform (our Squarespace tutorial can help with this), it’s fine. But Wix still wins with their excellent user interface and powerful backup system.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:0

#Round 2: Designs & Flexibility – Let’s Make It Look Snazzy

A quick browse through the list of Wix templates clearly shows the great range and quality of the designs. We counted close to 1,000 free themes listed in categories as varied as restaurants, portfolios, blog etc… These come with a few quirks though:

  • Firstly, Wix’s templates are not fully responsive. This means you have to tweak them manually to play nice on smartphones and tablets. Note that this could also be a plus if you want full control over your mobile design. Wix also has special features for the mobile website version, such as the Quick Action Bar with access buttons to your email address, phone number or Google Maps. And you can even slim down your mobile website by hiding elements.
  • If you know basic CSS or HTML, you can’t use it there. However, Wix lets you place all the elements with enough control that it shouldn’t be necessary.
  • A bit more annoying – you can’t change your template for a new one once you build a website and push it live. You can still move things around and select different fonts or color, but otherwise you’re pretty locked in.

squarespace templates

Squarespace’s super sleek designs. We’d go as far as calling them “sexy”

With Squarespace, there are around 100 templates available (plus 100 more if you count the available templates from its previous version, 7.0). They are all responsive for mobile devices. You can edit the source files (HTML and CSS) from the Squarespace Business plan onwards, but generally speaking, moving elements is more rigid than with Wix. You are on a grid, which can be good or bad depending on how much freedom you want.

As we mentioned, Squarespace moved away from its more rigid editor and now offers a level of flexibility that’s almost on par with Wix’s. Your edits no longer have to be confined within pre-built layouts, and elements like images and text can be moved around freely (although it still needs to adhere to Squarespace’s grid-based system). A separate version of the mobile site can also be edited – again, something that they’ve clearly borrowed from Wix.

squarespace fluid engine

Editing with Squarespace Fluid Engine – you can move content anywhere on the grid

While you can’t switch templates on Squarespace’s latest version, 7.1, all the templates use the same underlying style and structure. That means it’s fairly easy to change up (or even overhaul) your design if you want to. Using Squarespace Blueprint, you can now even create custom themes from scratch.

One con, though: the themes rely on big, bold and professional pictures. Replace them with something less stylish and your Squarespace website instantly loses design kudos.

Sidenote: since we are talking about flexibility here, we should also note that both Wix and Squarespace have a very flat navigation. That means you can only have one sub-level under your home page. So if you are planning to build a larger website (30+ pages), Weebly is a better option as there you can create as many sub-levels as you want.

wix navigation

Wix’s Page Structure

Winner: as mentioned in the introduction to this article, hard to pick a side here. We’d say Wix is more flexible and offers a far greater choice, but Squarespace offers a “play it safe” approach that some might find more comforting. This one’s a draw.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:1

#Round 3: Ecommerce – Wix Store or Squarespace Commerce?

Wix isn’t always the first name you think of for ecommerce, but we gave it a pretty high score in our test review. The main points to take away are that it works great for small and medium online stores.

wix image presentation as good as shopify

An example of product display in Wix’s online store.

Squarespace is also a surprisingly powerful ecommerce solution, with professional features you’d expect from the best platform.

What’s important to note is that ecommerce doesn’t stop at the shopping cart. Both Wix and Squarespace let you accept online payments for services and product subscriptions. Wix throws in a whole bunch of additional apps that can improve your cash flow: Wix Events, Wix Bookings and Wix Restaurants just to name a few.

So let’s have a look at the features to decide: Wix or Squarespace for an ecommerce business?

Ecommerce Feature Wix Squarespace
Sell physical goods, digital products Yes Yes
Sell services Yes  (but only through the Wix Bookings app.) Yes
Sell product subscriptions Yes Yes
Import / Export product data Yes Yes
Conversion tracking Yes Yes
Payment gateways Wix Payments, Square, Stripe, Paypal and more. Stripe, Paypal, and Apple Pay.
Sell offline (cash or pay on delivery) Yes No (more on this here)
Point Of Sale integration (POS) Yes, via Square or SumUp (for Europe and UK) Yes, via Square
Abandoned Cart Recovery Yes Yes
Live Carrier Cost Calculator USPS and Correios (Brazil) USPS, FedEx and UPS
Automatic Tax Calculator Yes, via Avalara Yes, but for US only via TaxJar (currently in beta)
Setting up different VAT rates for different product categories* Yes, via Avalara No
Dropshipping Yes, via Modalyst (with access to AliExpress) Yes, via Printful (print on demand) and Spocket
SEO Good – see below Good – see below
Customer Accounts Yes Yes (minimum Basic plan)

*Relevant for EU- and UK-based businesses, for example.

Winner: As you can see, it’s not clear-cut. It really depends on the features you need. Squarespace comes across as the more mature candidate, however Wix is adding new features all the time and also starts cheaper, starting at $23. With Squarespace it will cost you a minimum of $27.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:1

This means 3:2 for Wix at the moment.

Of course, if ecommerce is going to be the main focus of your site, you should also consider Shopify. You should also read our Wix vs Shopify and Squarespace vs Shopify comparisons.

#Round 4: SEO Capabilities – Please Let Google Notice Me

If you’ve ever heard rumors about website builders being poor for SEO… well, it’s not so cut-and-dried. Our own research shows that you can absolutely rank high with a web builder, and Wix is one of the best ones of them all. So, does it completely crush Squarespace? Let’s see in this detailed table.

A comparison of Wix’s and Squarespace’s SEO features

Optimization Wix Squarespace
Page Title Available for all pages Available for all pages
Meta description Available for all pages Available for all pages
Customize URLs Available for all pages Available for all pages
Headings From H1 to H6 H1 to H4 available
Images alt attributes Customizable Customizable but the menus are sometimes very clunky
301 Redirects Available Available
SSL encryption Available in all plans Available in all plans
Search engine instructions Available for pages but not blog posts Available for all pages
Add Google Analytics See instructions Available
Add Google Search Console See instructions Available
Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Posts) Available Available
Conclusion Really good for SEO Very good SEO features

While Squarespace used to have a few important flaws in the SEO department, they have now gotten completely rid of them – well, almost. The only annoying thing that remains is that it’s sometimes really difficult to find the right place to add the alt-text for images. What’s more, is that there are a few older templates that don’t let you customize your page title for the home page. But these are dying out, fortunately.

squarespace seo

Squarespace SEO menu: it also shows you how it’s likely to look in the Google search

Website Loading Speeds

Website loading speed is an important factor for SEO, and both Wix and Squarespace have been extensively researched by us in this regard. In general, Wix has slightly faster loading speeds on both desktop and mobile compared to Squarespace. However, Squarespace performs better in terms of “Time to Interactive”, which is the time it takes for a user to be able to interact with the website. Both platforms could benefit from improving their loading speeds, and while Wix may have a slight advantage in this area, there is no clear winner between the two.

Winner: Unexpectedly, after the most recent update, Squarespace is now just as strong as Wix for SEO.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:1

It’s a draw!

#Round 5: Blog – Where Should I Share My Thoughts?

The first thing to note here is that the best blogging platform out there is still undoubtedly WordPress. It’s the one others have to measure up to. So, how does the Wix blog fare?

Wix has increased the number of blocks in its editor: now you can add files, tables and even GIF. You can even add a song from SoundCloud. But we still miss some features, such as social media bars. If you want to insert a missing element, you have to use the HTML code option. Also, you won’t find an undo button in Wix’s blog.

A major downside to Wix’s blogging tools is the commenting feature. You can’t pre-moderate new comments – they will just appear on your site right away. What’s more is that commenters have to create an account with your website before they can leave a comment, which causes unnecessary friction. There are some commenting apps available but the ones we’ve tested felt quite clunky.

wix blog

The Wix blog editor: it’s clean, but missing a couple of building blocks

Squarespace, on the other hand, could (almost) be a contender to WordPress. You get most, if not all, the blogging features you might need such as categories, post scheduling and more. And that’s not even all. Squarespace also offers integrated hosting for your podcast in case you’d like to start one.

You will also be able to easily add a contact form, a newsletter or a map: none of these features are available in Wix’s blog editor. People can leave comments without being logged in and you can even connect an external service like Disqus.

Even if Squarespace provides lots of blocks, some are missing (a table for instance): you can only add them to your post using HTML code.

squarespace blog

The Squarespace blog offers more options but feels a little cluttered

Check out our detailed article if you are looking to start your own blog.

Winner: All things considered, Squarespace wins this round clearly.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 0:1

That’s the equalizer! 4:4

#Round 6: Membership Sites – Who Does It Better?

Unsurprisingly, the last year has seen many businesses and freelancers shift their services online, offering premium digital content such as online classes, workshops, podcasts and recipes to its (mostly) house-bound customers.

Both Wix and Squarespace offer users the ability to add exclusive members’ areas to their sites, and to charge membership fees in order for customers to access them.

The approach they use is slightly different, though. Here’s a quick rundown.

Squarespace’s Member Areas is a relatively new feature, and works as an add-on to your site. Its focus is on helping you monetize your content – whether that’s classes, newsletters, videos or podcasts – by gating it behind a paywall. Members can be charged on a one-off or recurring basis, although you can offer content for free (handy if you want to employ a ‘freemium’ model).

Squarespace offers a handful of templates to help get you started, but you can designate any area of your site to be exclusive to members – even your blog or online store.

squarespace members area

Content blocks for member areas in Squarespace

Overall, it’s a clean and elegant solution – although you do have to pay to add Member Areas to your site (prices start at $9). They can be added to any site, regardless of which Squarespace plan you have.

Wix’s Members Area solution (which is free!) takes it even further, allowing members to access not only exclusive content on the site, but also perform a number of other actions, including:

  • Create customer accounts to view order statuses and manage credit cards
  • Manage appointments and events that they’ve booked/signed up for
  • Chat with other site members
  • Customize forum and blog profiles, and follow their favorite posters/writers

wix members area

Wix Members Area: how your visitors view it

Of course, if you want to limit content to paying members, you can do that too. You just need the Pricing Plans app installed, which is also free. A downside though is that you will also need to have a Wix Business/Ecommerce plan (more on that below) – as these are pricier than non-business plans, it’s not ideal if you don’t really need ecommerce features on your site. Setting it all up can also be a little fiddly; however we think the end result makes the effort worthwhile.

Winner: While Squarespace’s Member Areas are a nice, manageable solution for monetizing content, Wix’s rich membership features are hard to beat. Plus, you don’t have to pay a cent if you’re not selling anything.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:0

Wix nudges ahead a point – we’re now at 5:4.

#Round 7: Multilingual sites – Which one helps me reach a wider audience?

Both Wix and Squarespace allow you to add automatic or manual translations to your site (although this is a relatively new feature to Squarespace). However, they take very different approaches.

Displaying translations and a language switcher on a Squarespace site is only possible with a Weglot integration (they do also offer a native workaround, but it’s such a poor solution that we don’t think it’s even worth mentioning).

While this is relatively easy to set up, there are a few drawbacks:

    • You need to sign up for a separate Weglot account. While the free account allows for 1 extra language and 2,000 words, paid plans start at around $15/month
    • Adding manual translations can only be done in the Weglot tool – not directly on your Squarespace site. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it’s definitely not the optimal editing experience
    • Squarespace will allow you to use different language subdomains (e.g.,, but not subdirectories (e.g. The latter is generally regarded as being better for SEO
    • If you don’t set up language subdomains, you won’t have separate pages/URLs for your translations. This means your additional languages won’t be optimized for SEO

squarespace weglot

Editing translations in Weglot

Wix’s solution isn’t perfect (especially compared to our favorite multilingual website builder, Webnode), but it’s more complete than Squarespace’s. With Wix, translations can be activated through the built-in Multilingual feature – so no need for any third-party apps.

wix multilingual

Adding site languages in Wix

A big plus is that translations can be added directly within the editor, which makes for a much smoother editing experience.

What’s more, you also get more flexibility with how you set up your URLs. You can choose from subdomains, subdirectories, or language parameters – whatever suits your site best. (Note that there are still some limitations with the subdirectory structure, however, which means it’s still not a fully SEO-friendly solution.)

Winner: Wix offers a more convenient and complete multilingual solution, so this round goes to them.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:0

Wix puts itself firmly ahead of Squarespace at 6:4

#Round 8: Mobile app – Which one is the best?

The Wix Owner app offers many features to manage one or several sites. Be aware that editing your site from a mobile phone (menu, page architecture, design…) is only available for sites created in Wix ADI. But you’ll still be able to create some content, like blog posts or a new product listing for instance.

On your Dashboard, you have shortcuts to the main features of the app: Contracts, Orders, Subscriptions, Blog Posts, Analytics, Products, Marketing Campaigns, and so on.

Wix app dashboard

Screenshot of the Wix mobile app

Some highlights include:

  • Analytics and Reports, where you can trigger alerts to inform you when there are significant changes in your trafic (or your sales).
  • The blog section, where you will be able to create or edit your posts, manage your page settings and monitor your traffic.
  • The inbox, which will display all your messages from site members and customers.

With the Squarespace app, you can also create a website or log in and manage an existing one, although we have to say the app looks much more simplistic. Nonetheless, unlike Wix, you can modify all your pages directly from the app. However, we would have liked a drag-and-drop option to rearrange the order of the pages inside the menu.

We liked the drag-and-drop option in Analytics: you can easily rearrange the cards as you want (traffic overview, activity log, visits by country, traffic sources, popular content…). The commerce section, however, is pretty basic: you’ll see your orders – pending, fulfilled or canceled – and your inventory.

Squarespace app analytics

Screenshot of Squarespace’s smartphone app

To find support, click on “Settings” in the bottom menu then “Help”: you will have access to user guides and your support tickets.

Winner: We truly liked the “Pages” section of Squarespace app: you can edit both the content and the settings of each page in the blink of an eye. But the Wix app is aesthetically nicer and packed with more features.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:0

That is a win for Wix – 7:4.

#Round 8: Support – Can They Help and How Quickly?

Both Wix and Squarespace offer great customer support forums, articles and tutorials, including video and step-by-step guides.

wix support

The Help Center. These can be hit and miss sometimes, but Wix’s is very useful.

When contacted, we found the support answers to be clear and useful with both platforms. In fact, both offer email and live chat support. The only difference is that Wix also offers phone support (via callback), so….

The Winner: …might depend on your preferred method of communication. But since Wix always wants you to read the FAQs first and make it a bit harder to contact them, we’d give this point to Squarespace.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 0:1

Squarespace is catching up! 7:5 – What an exciting match this is!

#Round 9: Apps & Widgets: – Expanding My Site Through Add-Ons

We often sing the praises of Wix’s excellent and exhaustive App Market. You can find tons of useful add-ons and extra features to enhance your site. These include hotel and restaurant apps, booking systems, advanced gallery images and donation boxes for nonprofits. Wix even has its own live chat software that lets you talk to your visitors. Some of those apps aren’t free, and Wix can’t vouch for the support quality of all the third-party developers. Still, it’s great to know you can get more than what’s out of the box.

Additionally, Wix Velo will let you create databases, connect to APIs and create dynamic pages. More on Wix Velo here.

Wix Review: App market

Wix App Market: Hundreds of apps available

With Squarespace, there is the Squarespace Extensions marketplace, which was launched in December 2019. It’s mostly focused on ecommerce (e.g. shipping and accounting services) and there isn’t a huge number of integrations available right now (36 at the time of writing). This will hopefully grow over time. Moreover, you’ll find several nifty marketing tools at Squarespace. Among them: a tool to build promotional pop-ups and announcement bars as well an email marketing solution.

Winner: Wix takes this one home.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:0

This means 8:5 for Wix.

#Round 10: Prices – Who’s Got the Better Deal?

Neither Wix nor Squarespace are particularly cheap site builders. They are two of the highest quality products that both charge a premium.

If you can do with fewer features, check out this list of the cheapest website builders. Companies like GoDaddy and Webnode offer pretty good value for cost-conscious users. Zyro even offers an editor that’s very similar to Wix’s.

Wix lets you pay for your website monthly, yearly or bi-yearly. There is a free plan with Wix ads, and you can start straight away with a free trial. Then, there is quite a number of paid pricing tiers, which can be confusing:

  • Light ($17 a month)
  • Core ($29 a month)
  • Business ($36 a month)
  • Business Elite ($159 a month)

The prices are based on yearly plans.

As we mentioned in our Wix pricing review, most users should be perfectly fine with the Light plan, unless you want to set up an online store. It has all the features you need and lets you use a custom domain name. For ecommerce sites the best plan is either Core or Business, depending on your feature needs. It’s also worth noting that for paid plans there is a 14-days money-back guarantee.

The Squarespace pricing is much more straightforward. There are only 4 plans, which you can purchase monthly or yearly. These include:

  • Personal ($16 a month)
  • Business ($23 a month)
  • Online Store Basic ($27 a month)
  • and Online Store Advanced ($49 a month)

So if you are looking for a simple ad-free website with a custom domain name, you should compare Wix Light to Squarespace Personal. You’ll note that both charge identical prices in USD. If ecommerce is your thing, the best choice is probably Wix Core. Again, it’s the same price as Squarespace Online Store Basic, but there is an important difference: Wix doesn’t charge any transaction fees.

Unfortunately, as noted in our full Squarespace pricing review, there is no free plan. Oh, and both website builders add a free domain name for the first year if you commit to at least a year.

Winner: this round is a tie. Wix scores points for offering a free plan whereas Squarespace only offers a 14-day free trial. Should you ever stop paying for your website, your Squarespace site will vanish from the web. With Wix, you can still keep it in a free account, which is a big advantage.
Ecommerce is cheaper with Squarespace’s Business plan, but do keep in mind that you’ll be charged transaction fees. If you want to get rid of the those fees, it’ll be the same price tag.

Result: Wix – Squarespace 1:1

Final score: 9:6!

Our Side-by-Side Comparison

Now, let’s take a real deep look inside Wix and Squarespace. Check out the direct comparison:



squarespace review

Ease of use
Choice and flexibility of design (templates)
Your own domain name (e.g. .com or .net)
Depth of navigation
Widgets (small tools to add extra functionality)
Mobile App





Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Visitor statistics
Contact form
Password protection & member areas
Add HTML code
Storage space 500 MB+ Unlimited
Backups & Restore









Fun Factor

Free $0

Light $17

Core $29

Business $36

Personal $16

Business $23

Online Store (Basic) $27

Online Store (Advanced) $49



Try it now!


Try it now!

Wix or Squarespace: Who Wins in the End?

So when choosing between Wix and Squarespace, is there a clear winner? It would seem so, even though it’s a close call.

Wix is generally a better, more versatile tool, with more flexibility for a wide range of websites (see some examples here). Squarespace, on the other hand, scores points for their blogging feature and their fully-responsive templates.

Unlike Squarespace, Wix lets you tailor your site to work for a small business like Hotels, Event-based sites, or Restaurants as they have the templates and the apps to make them top-notch. Out of the two, we’d say Wix offers the best website builder for small business.

Also, if you didn’t forget to count scores, you’ll have noted a close 9:6 win for Wix. However, it’s remarkable that most of the points Wix scored over Squarespace, they did win them by several lengths (Ease of Use as well as Apps & Widgets).

But it doesn’t mean Squarespace should be avoided at all costs. In fact, if you are a dedicated blogger, we would highly recommend Squarespace (unless you want the full shebang with WordPress). Their structured approach to design also means you are pretty much guaranteed a great-looking website that works on all devices. They also offer much better support.

Finally, one thing to note is that neither are the best for larger online stores. If that’s what you’re after, check out our guide to the best ecommerce website builders.

For questions or feedback, please leave a comment below!


Both Squarespace and Wix are pretty similar in terms of pricing. The entry level ad-free Wix Light plan is $17 /month if you sign up for a year. So is Squarespace’s Personal plan at $16/month.

The same is true for their ecommerce plans: Wix Core costs $29/month, whereas Squarespace Online Store Basic is $27/month.

We noticed that whenever Wix raises prices, Squarespace follows suite shortly after.

Overall, we think Wix is a slightly better website builder than Squarespace due to its range of features and external apps as well as the free plan it offers.

The authors

Learn more about us

Robert Brandl

Founder and CEO

Hi, my name is Robert Brandl! I used to work in a digital marketing agency where I managed website and email marketing projects. To optimize my client's campaigns, I always had to find the optimal web tools. Tooltester offers this knowledge to you, hopefully saving you endless hours of research.

Inka Wibowo

Content Manager

Hi, I'm Inka! I started using website builders and content management systems over 10 years ago, when I managed websites for clients in my first marketing role. Since then, I've worked on hundreds of web and digital projects. Now, at Tooltester, I'm happy to be able to use my experience to help users like you find the right website builder for your needs.

Learn more about us

We keep our content up to date

06 Jul 2023: Wix's updated pricing plans reflected
21 Dec 2022: Information about loading speeds added
25 Aug 2022: Slight price increase for Squarespace's Personal plan
12 Aug 2022: Introduction of Fluid Engine editor
20 May 2022: Pricing round changed, multilingual comparison added
19 Apr 2022: Smaller updates
12 Jan 2022: Checked for accuracy and smaller updates
05 Nov 2021: Wix live chat support now available
05 Oct 2021: Blog section updated
29 Sept 2021: Mobile apps comparison (round 7)
21 Sep 2021: Screenshots added and Smart Finder updated
30 Aug 2021: Blog section updated
13 Aug 2021: Table of Contents added
27 Jul 2021: Information verified and a few small updates.
19 Mar 2021: General update and membership features added
22 Feb 2021: Smaller updates
02 Oct 2020: Pricing changes and abandoned cart recovery now available at Wix.
30 Apr 2020: Some updates in ecommerce.
12 Dec 2019: New Squarespace Extensions Marketplace.
13 Nov 2019: Squarespace added POS support for their ecommerce solution.
05 Sep 2019: Squarespace SEO improvements.
31 May 2019: Reflected Wix's price increases.
22 Mar 2019: Small updates.
05 Feb 2019: New video review added.
05 Nov 2018: A few smaller structural updates.
24 Oct 2018: Smaller changes regarding pricing
18 Oct 2018: Side by side comparison added


This article has been written and researched following a precise methodology.

Our methodology


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